Body And Mind Purification



Nourishment & Healing - Breakfast Day 1
Lecture - Morning Day 1
Nourishment & Healing - Lunch Day 1
Lecture - Afternoon Day 1
Nourishment & Healing - Breakfast Day 2
Lecture - Morning Day 2
Nourishment & Healing - Lunch Day 2
Lecture - Afternoon Day 2
Nourishment & Healing - Breakfast Day 3
Nourishment & Healing - Lunch Day 3
Nourishment & Healing - Breakfast Day 4
Nourishment & Healing - Lunch Day 4
Exercise - TTK
Oil Mixture Usage Instructions


Take Home Messages

Changing our schedule to be harmonize with the universe rhythm and body circadian rhythm.

Why Do We Get Chronic Diseases

Nowadays, we are having too much chronic diseases. These diseases happen not only to the elderly, but also to the middle aged and even to the young people.


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